
Terms for using this service

Please check the box below to agree to our terms and conditions.

Select basic membership

Here you choose one of the options. You can read here about what benefits and what is included in each membership (swb.org/medlemsformaner-rabatter/).
Are you under 26? Then you get a 50% discount on your basic membership.

Note: In order to participate in our young horse tests you must have a PLUS or AKTIV membership.

PLUS-medlem SWB

Jag vill bli PLUS-medlem i SWB (1000 kr)

AKTIV medlem SWB

Jag vill bli AKTIV medlem i SWB (200 kr)

Medlem SWB

Jag vill bli medlem i SWB (300 kr)

Endast konto (ej medlem)

Jag vill endast skapa konto, inte bli medlem (Kostnadsfritt)

Which regional association do you want to belong to?

If you chose a PLUS or ACTIVE membership above, you should also select which regional associations you want to belong to. In order to participate in our young horse tests you must have a PLUS or ACTIVE membership. The membership fee for each association may change, current fees can be found here.